
Fun Fact.

Want to know what our culture struggles with?

compliments and superficiality in conversations.

I'm not talking about, "hey I like your hair/outfit/yadayadayada etc." I'm talking about,

This 'ain't your run of the mill "how are you" questions that are so often asked in the Midwest. These are the questions that probe the very emotional core of yourself. These questions communicate that we genuinely care about each other's well-being and mental health.

I don't blame it all on people though, the other blaring reason is the all to familiar metal rectangle we carry everywhere we go. Ah yes, technology the bane of our existence. The blue light rays casting shadows on our faces as we scroll through whatever social media app is hottest these days. The average teenager spends around 9 hours a day on their phone.

9  hours out of the 15 daylight hours...

That's kinda crazy to think that we dedicate 9 hours of our lives glued to a tiny metal box.
Which brings me to my point, this generation struggles to socialize and with that are termed the loneliest generation thus far. Phones have taken over our socialization and need for deep meaningful friendships and replaced it with apps for talking to someone. We don't realize how much the human brain craves real genuine concern and attention from others instead of a blank screen.

So in summation,
Get off your phones and sit down for coffee with someone, invite them over for a movie or just hang out without technology. Get close with them and have a healthy concern about their mindfulness and well-being. Ask them, "how they REALLY are doing and listen to them".
Believe it or not that seems to make the closest friendships. (:



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