Just Get Up. (An Ode to Depression.)

"How ya doing?

I'm really struggling with my depression lately, I can't get up.

Omg just get up lol."

-Excerpt from my latest text entourage with a friend who shall be remain nameless.-

Ah yes,
that all too overused ten letter word that seems to strike fear into everyone;                                        D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N.

Not many people know too much about it, once you have it, it's really hard to share with people that you do because that good old mental disorder stigmatism am I right?
 I'll try my best to describe depression in a nut shell so wish me luck folks.

So imagine the worst week of your life.
Multiply it by about 2.
Add a constant sinking feeling paired with that insolent voice in your head telling you that you'll never be fully happy again.
And you're about there.

Don't get me wrong though, depressed people still can laugh and giggle with the rest of us, but are constantly reminded by their sub-conscious that "they'll never be fully happy". They could be the happiest person in the world to you, but use the "everything is great" mask so people aren't concerned, which is why depression so often goes unnoticed.

Let me tell you a thing about depression and motivation... they hate each other.
Trying to be motived while depressed is honestly the hardest thing one will ever accomplish, its trying to convince a rock to move...it's not gonna move, not because the rock simply decides not to move, but rocks cannot move.

This brings me to my text earlier,

When someone who's depressed tells you that they can't move, they literally are so emotionally drained that they can't get up. It's extremely hard for those severely depressed to even complete small, seemingly simple tasks. Depression sucks away not just happiness but also energy and is hard to rebound from when in a slump.

So brings me to my point.

Next time someone tells you they're "sad" or "can't get up"...

Don't tell them to, "get up". Remember, human-sized rocks don't move by one verbally expressing their intentions. Instead imagine what they're going through and ask if they need anything/want any help/remind them you're there for them. It may not seem like a lot to do but...

Trust me, it means the world.



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