
Showing posts from October, 2019

Pain, An Unexpected Blessing.

Long time no blog, my dear readers. (I've begun a medication of Steroids and true to my physician's warning, I have about as much energy as a toddler on twenty, five-hour energies). So let us begun, my captive guests. Pain. Why does it exist? What reason does it make us gripe, sulk, and even mentally shake our fists at God? If he created good on this glorious location, why is there suffering? Thus begins my personal connection (And reintroduction for the potential newcomer). Hi, meet me,  I'm Hannah, a seemingly, "normal" twenty-three year old, inexperienced medical laboratory scientist, surviver of two eating disorders, depression, a rare genetic metabolic disorder, and budding        wifey-to-be to the kindest man God could have blessed me with. So why have I resurfaced from the inky blackness of social media avoidance to shed light on this torturous topic? For the past three months, I've been not just frustrated, but outr...