I am the 0.007% (Life as a double O-7)
Dear reader, let's take a trip. Imagine... Picking up the phone to the words of, "Your daughter tested positive for a rare genetic disorder, your daughter has PKU". Your perfect bundle of love, a small sliver of heaven dozing in the sunlight, has an imperfection. A flaw daresay. What can be fathomed by a new mother of her second child? So many things. Continue with your mind wanderings... Imagine being told at age 10 you won't exceed in school; "You will be average, with a chance of a struggle in mathematics and sciences." Reader, how can a physician tell a 10 year old they will not be intelligent like the rest of their classmates; with tears streaming down their young face in the clinic because of the catastrophic thoughts occurring in that still developing cerebrum. This is the root cause of why I struggle with thinking I am not intelligent enough for anything. "Pregnancy will be quite difficult". "...only 5 grams of ...