.Radical Love.

Have you ever wanted SO badly to share something with someone but been so paralyzed with fear with how the other will react?


Story Time!

Recently, (today) I was approached with this situation, as a good friend of mine poured out their heart to me whilst in the crisp fall air. Eyes anxiously watching of how I would react to what they were telling me and if I would choose to accept it or not.
(I did, do not worry dear readers).

It made me look back to how many countless times I've almost gone full meltdown before approaching someone with news.

Sharing secrets can be... simply put,

You're sharing something with them that you consider so sacred, so safe-guarded. It's showing a level of trust and intimacy between yourselves.

So why are we so terrified to say things?

Simply put, our culture is terrified to be judged because of the fear of losing that person's support. No one wants to lose their ride or die because of a secret.
So we bottle it up.
And it keeps building up pressure, the more stuffed emotions and secrets the more pressure until...
It all comes tumbling out all at once as the pressure is relieved and can once again build.

My dear reader,
Do not bottle up your secrets, never to reveal them. You WILL explode and it will not end well.
Find that someone, a friend, and share with them your news, your thoughts, the things going on in your life. BE HONEST!

Don't be afraid of the judgement because a real friend looks past all the human mess and imperfections and loves you for your golden, shiny inside. Kinda like a geode, imperfect on the outside, but stunningly beautiful on the inside.

I have a saying I like to live by; Several of my friends are often quite exasperated at how often I say this;

"I will be there for you, even when others are not".

Thats a promise.

When emotional pain arises, I'll be there.
When you're so frustrated you cant think, I'll be there.
When the tears slip down your face and you think no one is there for you, I. Will. Be. There.

Be that friend that loves unconditionally, no matter what they do, no matter how shocking. Love them with a love they don't expect, show them that the human race possesses a compassion and kindness that resembles their otherworldly maker.

And dear reader, as this friend told me their news with gentle tears welling up in their eyes from the nervousness I took their hands and told them this,
     "Listen, whatever you do, whatever you become will not change the way I hold you in my heart. I        will love you as my friend even when it seems that no one else around you is there. Nothing you          say or do will surprise me or change me wanting a friendship with you."

I told them how beautiful their smile was and their facial features lit up like a christmas tree. The nerves clearly faded as they continued to share with me.

Love like you want to be loved.




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