Inspiration and Expiration, A Love Story
In Out In Out In... Ou-did I remember to submit my term paper? -Cue hyperventilations- Hello and welcome to the never ending pit of worry, 2,855 mental breakdowns and of course that last desperate attempt at a decent GPA, I present to you; Finals Week. These two words whisking through the crisp, manure-infused air and is known to strike paralyzing fear into the hearts of many. BUTT You don't have to submit to the many whims and terrors of the dreaded 4 more days. Make a plan. Follow through with the plan. Slay the final. Become President of the world. Just remember you have lungs for a reason, so take some time for yourself this week. Inhale and Exhale, remind yourself you are not going to die from these inked, slain trees in bundles of fearsome stacks. Own It. -HP